
part 3

Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies. The developer console organizes skill building into the following main tasks: Use Build to set up your skill, configure the interaction model, and specify the endpoints for your service In this part will use AWS to create lambda , iOT AWS and alexa intent.To signup  for AWS click here , for alexa developer console click here.



  "Version": "2012-10-17",

  "Statement": [


      "Effect": "Allow",

      "Action": "iot:*",

      "Resource": "*"




Alexa Developer Console:

To create intent login to your account => create skill => name it "Test" => create => Invocation => name it as "raspberry pi application" => save model => Add Intent (you will add 11 intend as shown on the images which are AMAZON.FallbackIntent ,Help, Temperature ,Water ,gas ,Air ,Door) => Sample Utterances (in each intent you will add Sample Utterances as shown on the images ) => Build model => endpoint. 

AWS Lambda Function:  

Flask Web Application:

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a micro framework . Socket.O is a python library for real time web applications .We will use flask and socketio to post all the data sensors to web app as real time data as following images. Add you own path on file line 20 and Make sure the code saved as 

Testing Alexa and Flask:

in order to test Alexa go to "alexa developer console" ==> Build Started  ==> test. You can say "Alexa start raspberry pi application" , "what is the temperature ". make sure you have those intent. To test web app run