
part 4

In this part, you will start building your face recognition and detection system. Moreover, you will have the recognition results set sent to your Dynamo-db table. Let's start the fun!


Install prerequisites :

If you are working on raspberry pi, then you have to install these system packages:

Installing Open CV:

The system needs the "4.1.0" version of Open CV. To do so,  you will use "pip" with the following command:

 Test the environment:

Let us check if pip has add Open CV to our python packages. for this, run the following in your Python shell:

Working with DynamoDB 

Dynamodb is non relation database offered by AWS. You will use DynamoDB to send the result's set of the recantation function. This part has three phases, a configuration of you AWS CLI, creation of the DynamoDB table, and set the most-fitting set of permissions to your user.

Configure your AWS CLI

AWS requires that all incoming requests are cryptographically signed. Thus, we need to give the platform our credentials upon requesting its serves. The following will do the trick.

First install it by running:

After successfully installing it run this command:

To fill your credentials, navegate to your AWS's dashboard by clicking here. Then follow the following:

Create your table :

on the second phase you will build your no-SQL table using AWS's dynamoDB service. To make any computational opration with the database, one must have the permission in order  to do so. However, we will create the table first.

Before preceding, you must think of an identifier that is unique to your data set. For example, you have three cameras that will return different set of result of the faces that they have picked up. Therefore, your table will have three records, and every will  have a "primary key" that is  uniquely associated to every camera. 

Previously, we have mentioned "user's permissions ". Now we will walk through the of setting up your credentials.